What is Special in Full Moon October 2024?

The full moon has always been assigned a special meaning in human culture, associated with mystery and change. But the full moon in October 2024 has in store for us, is going to be extra special because it’s also a supermoon! Below, we will discuss what that means exactly, explain where an alternative name for the full moon in October 2024 comes from, mention a few traditions associated with this season, and tell you a little about its spiritual meaning, including in astrology. 

Supermoon: What date is the full moon in 2024?

In 2024, the full moon rises on October 17 and will remain ‘full’ for a couple of days, as usual.  What’s not usual this year, is that October plenilune is also a supermoon — a time of our satellite’s closest approach to the Earth, which makes it look particularly big and bright. Scientifically called moon perigee, this phenomenon is not really that rare — in 2024, it will happen for the fourth time in October. Still, this supermoon phase promises to be especially bright and big because the distance between us and our satellite will be just 357,364 km — in contrast to the average figure of 384,400 km.

So, while some supermoons are barely visible to the human eye, the October full moon should be a lucky exception, offering a truly breathtaking view. While supermoon phases do not directly affect the full moon in October 2024 meaning, people who care about traditions and spiritualism, believe this closeness enhances the lunar power.

And even if you do not care much for astrology, there are a couple of other beliefs and traditions associated with the October full lunar cycle that may intrigue you.

Alternative names for October plenilune 

October’s full moon is widely known as the Hunter’s Moon. This name dates from Native American and early American colonial times and is associated with traditional hunting season. However, this is not the only name or meaning for this lunar phase. In England, for example, it was often called Blood Moon. Opinions on the true meaning of this nickname differ — some believe it may also be a reference to the hunting season, while others point out that this name may mean the ‘bloody’ colour of autumn leaves. Still, a more likely explanation for the bloody nickname is that our satellite typically appears red in October — but not everywhere and not every year.

Full Moon

You may also have heard another widespread name for the October full lunar phase — Harvest Moon. Here, the meaning is clear — late September and early October are, indeed, traditional seasons for harvest. Sometimes, these names are even used interchangeably, but that’s a mistake. Space news website Orbital Today explains that Harvest Moon is the lunar phase preceding the Hunter’s. But since a full lunar cycle lasts around 29.5 days, it is shorter than our calendar month, defined by solar phases. This means plenilune dates shift a little every year. In 2024, the supermoon phase is definitely the Hunter’s, not the Harvest one.

But besides all that, what is happening with the moon in October? Let’s check out its spiritual and astrological meaning now — even if you are a tad sceptical about such things, it’s still going to be fun!

Full moon October 2024 astrology meaning & significance

Besides ‘super’ meaning, October 2024 is a period when Mercury will be in retrograde. And even if you assign no meaning to astrology, you surely know that Mercury retrograde is the usual scapegoat for all of our mishaps! Considering such a combo, why is October’s full moon special? The astrological meaning of Mercury retrograde is all about disturbances in communication, travel, and technology, as well as personal misunderstandings.

Plenilune, however — not just in October, but in any other month — has a meaning of completion, full cycles, and new beginnings. It’s time to let go of the old and get ready for the new. And while this autumn, retrograde Mercury may try to disrupt our satellite’s healthy meaning, the supermoon phase should amplify lunar influence, paving the way for new and exciting things.

Full Moon October 2024 Manifestation Power in Astrology

If we assign some more meaning to astrology, manifestation implies actualising your desires and intentions — that is, seeing goals and dreams come true. The full moon has been traditionally seen as a potent time to do just that. Full moon October 2024 meaning is no different, marking a time for a change, offering an opportunity to focus on one’s goals and see them come to life.

Another astrological meaning of the full moon phase is a time of completion and illumination. The full moon in October 2024 takes place in the fire sign Aries, which is known for its great boldness, leadership qualities, and independence. This suggests even greater empowerment, courage, and a time for decisive action.

So, no matter if you believe in this October full moon 2024 meaning or not, the period may be the right time to act on something you’ve considering for a while. After all, even sceptics need a sign sometimes, don’t they?

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